Thursday, September 1, 2011

Waiting for STELLA
(Constellation Camera)

STELLA designed by: Seung-Kwon Kim, Seung-Ju Kim & Zhong-fa Lie

Constellations can be defined as “a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern in the sky”.  Its tough to capture constellations through regular phone/cameras. Even if we are able to capture them, its tough to create a WOW effect that STELLA can do. Well, don’t believe me check these images and I bet you will say WOW!!!

Its very well written in the image “Our kids should be grown with dreaming as much as they can. Dreams and inspirations are sometimes conceived by gazing at the stars but at this rate, our children and the future generation cannot enjoy this privilege anymore”
I agree!!!

 So, using STELLA we can easily save the images of those constellations we say right now in the sky
Once, done with capturing those constellation images, we can use STELLA’S projector function and project it on bedroom ceiling or roofs or walls. Now that’s koool. So on a starry night you capture the mesmerizing skies, switch-off the lights and then project it to your bedroom ceiling to create a WOW effect!!!


Remembering QUEEN (Hard Rock Band)
Dream On, Dream On, Dream On
Dream until your dreams come true “

“STELLA will bring back the power to dream, hope and inspire”

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