All praises to Mr. Byeong Min Choe for giving us a reason of why we should prefer Document Extractor and throw our printer that takes so much of desk space and time to print & scan.
Paper locator
Mr. Choe gave the world a brilliant concept of integrating our Desktop with Printer and Scanner. Its termed as Document Extractor- Combination Monitor (A combination of printer and scanner).
Let’s say you select an image that you loved while surfing the net and want a print out of it. Now by traditional way you will save the document, connect the printer and once the status is active you will give the print command. That’s so so so boring now a days. And its not so koool at all.
What’s koool is that you loved an image, right click and Print. Your Monitor takes the print paper from its tray (hidden at the back of your Monitor) and gives you the printout immediately. Thus saving your precious time and also frees your desk space. Now that’s so koool.
For scanning, you insert the image paper in your Monitor and Zzzup!!! The image appears in front of you and that too in your desktop. It’s just amazing. You can save it, share it, tweet it or do what ever you want to do with it and that too real fast.
Here is the graphical interpretation
Just imagine if the Touchpad’s are integrated with Document Extractor's. It will take these Touchpad’s to an entire new revolution. How about using this concept with our Laptop’s, TV, Tablets, Mobile phones and so on…
It will be Superkoool!!!
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