Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A A3 Size Tablet
(By… Phil Pauley)

Thinking of what next for the Tablet technology, well Phil Pauley just provided a solution for the same. Phil a British designer designed a Foldable concept Tablet Book that has a size equivalent to an A3 paper size (297x420mm/11.69x16.54 inches).

It’s a Dual screen Tablet Book which is Flexible, Foldable and Fast. Now that’s koool!!!
But the best part of A3 Tablet Book is that it can go totally flat like a plain piece of paper. Now that’s Superkoool!!!

Apart from Landscape and Portrait viewing, the Tablet’s screen can be used individually and/or combined as a whole for a greater viewing. It features six cameras for normal and Stereoscopic 3D recording or playback, with two clusters of three cameras. The Top camera is responsible for normal video/picture whereas the bottom twin pairs produce the Stereoscopic 3D. Apart from this it also got in build Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity. And since one can fold it like a book it can also be used as a Laptop or can be kept above the surface with ease.

Video Recommends4u

A3 Tablet Book can be used to listen to music, watch movies on bigger screen, read books, playing games or can be used to stay connected via Internet.


“So, is it the end of Laptops?”

Monday, August 29, 2011

A 21km Apple Tribute to Steve Job
(Joseph Tame)

Steve Job (former CEO of Apple) was given a koool tribute by Marathon Runner Joseph Tame after the recent news of Steve Job’s resignation. Joseph planned a 21km run that if viewed from satellite gave a view of the company’s logo i.e. Apple

It was Joseph’s way to appreciate Mr. Steve Job for all the wonderful work he had accomplished. For this unique tribute Joseph created a 21Km long Apple logo with the help of GPS and 2 iPhones.

Joseph made use of “Runkeeper” (an iPhone app) to track his progress as he was making his way all around central Tokyo.

Joseph in his website stated “Having an iPhone really has changed my life”. He also specially mentioned “here in Japan iPhone is like a lifeline (even more so now it can warn me when an earthquake is about to hit).”

Video of Similar Marathon Run by Joseph Tame



“Steve a Real Hero”

Glass Memory: A New Way of Storing Data
(Stores data for minimum thousand years)

Earlier today I was talking to my friend about her brother’s marriage ceremony video that took place way back in 2005. But we could not view them cause the DVD that stored the video was corrupted. That’s the major drawback with DVD’s as they can’t store data for longer durations.

Well then what the solution for storing data for longer durations?
Hmmm, Glass Memory is the answer.

Making the use of lasers researchers arranged the atoms present in the glass. Thus allowing our data to be stored even at 922 degrees Celsius or at coolest temperature or even under water. But the kooolest part is that it can hold data for very long duration as well. Our data will be available even after thousands of years.

The laser used is a rare one and has the capability to write, delete or edit data into the molecular structure of glass. It is believed that the size of the glass will be similar to that of our mobile screen and can hold up to 60GB of data.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Koreans English Robot-Teacher is awesome

She is koool; she is brilliant, extremely intelligent and can make us explain things very well and in user-friendlier manner. But she is not a human cause she is a Robot.

Some Korean schools got to test them a new Robot-Teacher that will assist their primary school students in learning English. Korean schools started to experiment with Robot Teacher due to shortage of recognized English teacher. Once the testing phase of this gets successful the Korean Government will spend approximately $45 million to install the Robot-Teacher in more than 8000 preschools and kindergartens by 2013. If it’s successful then it will also be introduced to elementary schools.

Parents can get to see their child’s progress and can even send message to their child in mid lectures. Koreans find this very exciting and are loving the Robot-Teacher. Kids say that Robot-Teachers are easy and fun to play. Not only this, Robot-Teacher can dance, play music, sing song and can even recite exciting stories so that it can connect easily with the kids. Now that’s koool.


But the bad news is that if the concept is success than it can terminate several jobs in Korea. Will have to wait to see how Korean Government will be tackling this issue.

Friday, August 26, 2011

EyeWriter a medical boon

Ever imagined how a person in coma (who is completely paralyzed) can communicate or draw?
Well EyeWriter is the answer for them.
It enabled Graffiti writers and artists with paralysis to draw, using only their eyes

EyeWriter is an imagination of engineers from Ebeling Group, the Not Impossible Foundation and Graffiti Research Lab. It’s an Embedded system that consist of eyeball tracking glasses and an in build software in them. Eyeball tracking glasses (as the name suggest) tracks the movements of patients eye and with the help of the embedded system’s software it converts the signal and present in a drawing format on to the screen.

CheckOut Video

So, if I want to draw a circle I will roll my eyeballs 360 degree and those tracking glasses will track my eyeballs movement and with the help of the software it will display a circle on the screen. Why only circles, one can draw alphabets, characters, numbers etc… and thus communicate. EyeWriter is really an effective medical boon.

This device was specially created for L.A. based Tony "Tempt" Quan (a graffiti artist) who was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease in 2003. After using EyeWriter Quan exclaimed that, "It feels like taking a breath after being held underwater for five minutes.” Now that’s koool!!!


Cost just $50

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Document Extractor: A Reason to Throw your Printer!!!
(Combination Monitor)

All praises to Mr. Byeong Min Choe for giving us a reason of why we should prefer Document Extractor and throw our printer that takes so much of desk space and time to print & scan.

Mr. Choe gave the world a brilliant concept of integrating our Desktop with Printer and Scanner. Its termed as Document Extractor- Combination Monitor (A combination of printer and scanner).

Let’s say you select an image that you loved while surfing the net and want a print out of it. Now by traditional way you will save the document, connect the printer and once the status is active you will give the print command. That’s so so so boring now a days. And its not so koool at all.

What’s koool is that you loved an image, right click and Print. Your Monitor takes the print paper from its tray (hidden at the back of your Monitor) and gives you the printout immediately. Thus saving your precious time and also frees your desk space. Now that’s so koool.

For scanning, you insert the image paper in your Monitor and Zzzup!!! The image appears in front of you and that too in your desktop. It’s just amazing. You can save it, share it, tweet it or do what ever you want to do with it and that too real fast.

Here is the graphical interpretation



Paper locator



Just imagine if the Touchpad’s are integrated with Document Extractor's. It will take these Touchpad’s to an entire new revolution. How about using this concept with our Laptop’s, TV, Tablets, Mobile phones and so on…
It will be Superkoool!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Most Amazing Cockpit Snaps

Well guys today I thought of sharing something on airplanes. And the topic that struck to my mind is about Cockpits. So thought of sharing with you guys some fantastic views of cockpits of various planes/jets. No wonder why Pilots are paid so high. Check it yourself…

Diamond DA-40D Diamond Star TDI aircraft

Glider being towed out over Crystal lake, Michigan

Cockpit of a Boeing 747-200

KC-135A Stratotanker aircraft preparing to refuel an F-15 Eagle aircraft

P-51 Mustang

Iberia Airbus A320 – 214

Airbus A320-211

Helicopter over suburb

Space Shuttle Cockpit, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas

Rolladen-Schneider LS-4

Becoming a pilot is so koool but as the SpiderMan movie said it correctly “With bigger powers comes bigger responsibilities”. It requires so much of guts to go on and become a pilot. Hundreds of lives are dependent on them (commercial pilots) and no wonder you get such a high respect in society. Guys if you dreamt of becoming a pilot then go for it. Just focus and study hard.

Remember: "With Big Power comes Big Responsibilities"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Every Girl will want 2 Date YOU
(Secret Revealed)

If you dreamed that every girl should be desperate to Date You and only You then you are at the right place. The Secret is finally revealed.

All you need to do is give them a return fare to Pod Hotel, which is located in nearby Space.

Well guys Space Hotel soon going to be a reality. Its termed as Space Pod Hotel.
Two Russian Space companies Orbital Tech and RSC Energia have tied up to build “Worlds first Commercial Space Station (CSS)”.
Apart from astronauts and space scientist, private citizens will also be allowed to visit the CSS. This Commercial Space Station will not only act as an orbiting space laboratory but also will be used as a Commercial Hotel and can allow entries up to seven people at a time. So tourism will get a boost of adding “Space Tourism” in their menu.

CSS will be 217 miles away and will have four Hotel Cabins for tourist that will have a massive viewing porthole. This will give tourist a koool view of Space. Foods will be transported from Earth and will be micro waved before serving. And no alcohols will be allowed.
But, but, but… it won’t be open for all 12months. Only during Space Tourist season tourist will be allowed to tour the space hotel. And after the peak season gets over, CSS might be used for Lab work or can be used by scientist and so on…

But to reach there all you need to do is to book an all-inclusive package from Orbital Technologies. You will be travelling by Soyuz Rocket and the return fare will cost you just $826,000 and a Five-night hotel stay inclusive of micro waved meals will cost only $165,000.

You gift the package to your Girl Friend and I bet every girl on earth will want to Date you

Ha Ha Ha!!!


(all the images are artistic)

Space Pod Hotel coming soon in 2016

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bend it Like Samsung’s Flexible OLED
(A flexible LED Display)

Bend it, Twist it and Hammer it its not going to break!!!

Don’t believe it check the video (Please keep your Volume a bit low)

After LCD, LED, OLED, AMOLED a new set of display gona rock the market: FOLED.
Abbreviated as Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diode (FOLED).
It’s a display unit that we can easily fold it, wrap it or even twist it to any shape we desire to and keep it anywhere we want to. It is used for Mobile phones, televisions display unit and many other electronic appliances.
FOLED is inherited from the concepts of OLED.
FOLED has a flexible plastic on which the electroluminescent organic semiconductor is deposited. Thus allowing its users to bent or even wrap or twist it easily.

The best advantage of FOLED is that it has higher refreshing rates. Its power consumption is dependent on the Color and Brightness of the view that is been viewed. So as the view changes so is the power consumption change. For e.g. If you are viewing an image that is colorful and bright than it may take around 5 to 10 watts but if the view has white text on black background its power consumption is significantly reduced to 0.7 watts.


Latest updates “Samsung to finally roll out flexible AMOLED display for public usage on Q2 of 2012”

Sunday, August 21, 2011

WVIL @ 31megapixel
    (what the fck…)

Wireless Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens (WVIL)

Felt in love with it man!


Every now and then we wonder what will be the next advancement in Cameras. Is it the best we have achieved? But then suddenly something new excites and WVIL can be one of those. It can bring next revolutions in cameras. Even though the product is a fake (YES) it’s a fake product, but the IDEA is so koool…

Artefactgroup are the one who are responsible for creating hoax with WVIL and should be punished. Do you really feel so? I don’t think so. They gave an IDEA that researcher, scientist, engineers… can work on and make it happen.
Well speaking on the IDEA, here is what WVIL all about

You hold the camera in your hand, detach the lens of the camera and point that lens to any direction you want a snap of. Once directed just click it. And your snap is taken and displayed on the camera screen wirelessly. Wait you want to share it immediately with you Facebook world. Ok! Click on Facebook on camera display, login to your account and share it with your world
Now dat’s koool

I was disappointed when I got to know that the product is Fake. But forget the odds and think of the positive side of this, cause IDEA is just brilliant.
“Hats off to the IDEA”

Check out the video

Below video will make it accept that the product is Real but on researching we got to know that its a 
Fake Product But an Amazing and superkoool IDEA


Waiting for the Imagination to turn in Reality

That’s All Folks!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

IPhone4 Retina Display

Apple describes IPhone4’s Retina Display as
“The sharpest, most vibrant, and highest-resolution phone screen ever”

Yes! Absolutely agreed

Well Friends Retina Display is truly a care for our eyes.

But a general question, “What the hell is Retina Display?”
Our eyes are capable of viewing details till 300 PPI (Pixel Per Inch or Pixel Density). But 300 PPI is completely dependent on distance between source (eye) and the destination (image). Now, Apple smartly played their cards and provided IP4’s Retina Display that has 326 Pixels Per Inch (i.e. 326 PPI). So no matter at what size your text, WebPages, images bla bla bla… your content is Sharp, Crisp and Crystal Clear

This will make you understand in much better way

The Problem with earlier IPhones was that, if we view our Iphone from side angles we will see that its Display gets manipulated i.e. there is a change in its contrast, color, brightness etc…
But IPhone 4 looks very good no matter at what angles we are viewing them.
It’s still Brilliant.

This Leap in Technology is due to 326PPI Retina Display

Check the below video to get more depth understanding of IPhone 4 Retina Display


Eagerly waiting for the IPhone 5 to check out what updates Apple makes to Retina Display

Friday, August 19, 2011

Worlds First Digital Binoculars@@

Wow Man!

Yeah that’s what I said when I saw Sony’s DEV-5 and DEV-3 digital binoculars.

Sony Electronics launched Worlds First Digital Binoculars DEV-5 and DEV-3.
Yes, it’s Worlds First Binoculars that are capable of producing HD quality video recoding.
Well DEV-5 will cost $1999.99 and DEV-3 will cost $1399.99 when its selling starts in North America in November. Both DEV-4 and DEV-3 uses Sony’s Exmor R image sensors that are responsible for capturing images and Electronic Viewfinders responsible for displaying views to the eyes.
It uses AVCHD 2.0 format to record the subject in both 2D and 3D and its Electronic Autofocus will not distract the focus of the view even though you are in motion.

The difference between DEV-3 and DEV-5 (of course, apart from their cost) is that
DEV-3 has dual f/1.8-3.4, 0.5-10x optical zoom lenses, and a pair of 1,227-dot viewfinders. It can go only up to 10x optical zoom.
Where as DEV-5 will have additional features of GPS, and accessories such as carrying case straps and neck straps.
But what's koool about DEV-5 is that it can go up to 20x digital zoom.
Apart from these, the common features are:
Memory Stick Pro Duo and SDXC support, stereo microphones with audio input jack and HDMI out.

What's not so koool is that its just 7.1 megapixel (3072x2304 pixels).

Orchestra without Real Music Instruments – Voila!!!

Was wandering over YouTube to check out some interesting music app’s and was doing some time pass side by side, But then I got my attention on an unusual Orchestra. It’s Unusual because there was a good music being heard, a good sound was produced by the live engineers, good flow of lights was setup, and even live human beings were playing the Live Orchestra. But the only thing that I could not locate was the real music instruments.
Yes, it was a four piece band playing Cello, Flute, Violin and Clarinet but without a
Real Cello, Flute, Violin and Clarinet. And after finding it out how they did it I said myself
“Wow! This is Koool”.
Yes it was koool because they were playing on IPad and they called themselves as the
“IPad Orchestra”. Each band member had an IPad with them and their T-Shirts signalized us what instruments they are representing.
But I was more interested in knowing what IPad app they were playing on.
And the answer was Seline HD (A new IPad music instrument)


And the Software used "Seline HD"

Recommended links 4u

If you have any more video links for new technologies to check out Please share via comment

This Is It But What Is It?

“Recommends4u is a “This Is It moment” for Us, but “What Is It” for “You””

Well this is my first blog and will share today what is Recommends4u.blogspot and what benefits YOU gona get at Recommends4u.blogspot.
This blog is dedicated to wide audience and recommending them about amazing Technologies, apps, gears etc. to check out. This includes recommended YouTube videos, various magazine articles for knowledge enhancement, the correct link to check out, user’s reviews etc… But what excites more is to write about the upcoming gadgets, applications, music gears and making You Aware of amazing Planets of Technologies. Man there is so much to write on…

So feel free to provide your valuable comments or even a request on topic to write on will give a Thumps Up. Till then give me a second to think and write on a next topic.


“Recommends4u is a Respect for Every Single Technology on Planet”